Wilmarth House
El Paso, Texas
Description: Wilmarth house
Other Names:
Address: 600 Stewart Street at Upson Drive, El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Type: domestic: single family home
Original Client: Mrs. T. C. (James C.?) Wilmarth
Date: before 1905
Condition: demolished by 1979
Architect or Firm: Henry C. Trost
Associated Architect or Firm: Trost & Trost
Dimensions and Orientation: one story, apparently with a basement
Foundation: stone
Wall Materials: yellow brick
Roofing Materials: shingle
Other Materials Used: wood porch supports and railings; 9/1 double hung windows
Remodeling and Additions:
Location of Drawings: none known to exist
Location of Documentary Photographs: El Paso Public Library: Ponsford 168, perspective view before landscaping
Remarks: The property is listed in the 1905 El Paso city directory.
Prepared for the El Paso Public Library by Lloyd C. and June F. Engelbrecht under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1990