• University of Texas El Paso – El Paso, Texas

    University of Texas El Paso
  • The Gage Hotel – Marathon, Texas

    Gage Hotel
  • Bullion Plaza School – Miami, Arizona

    Bullion Plaza School
  • Hotel El Capitan – Van Horn, Texas

    Hotel El Capitan
  • Val Verde Hotel – Socorro, New Mexico

    Val Verde Hotel
  • The Owls Club – Tucson, Arizona

    Owls Club
  • El Paso High School – El Paso, Texas

    El Paso High School
  • Trost Residence – El Paso, Texas

    Trost Residence
  • Albuquerque High School – Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Albuquerque High School
  • University of Texas El Paso – El Paso, Texas

    University of Texas El Paso
  • The Gage Hotel – Marathon, Texas

    Gage Hotel
  1. 1
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Greene Consolidated Copper Workers Cottages
Cananea , Mexico

Description: Greene Consolidated Copper Company Workers’Cottages
Other Names:
Address: Cananea, Sonora, Mexico
Type: domestic: twenty five cottages
Original Client: Greene Consolidated Copper Company, Anson Burchard, Comptroller
Historic Inventory:
Date: 1902

Architect or Firm: Trost & Rust
Associated Architect or Firm:
Dimensions and Orientation:

Wall Materials: brick
Roofing Materials:
Other Materials Used:
Remodeling and Additions:

Present Owner:
Location of Drawings: None known to exist
Location of Documentary Photographs:

Bibliography: (1) C. L. Sonnichsen, Colonel Greene and the Copper Skyrocket (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1974), pages 115, 116, and notes 38 and 47 on page 287. Sonnichsen described the contracting of Anson W. Burchard, Comptroller of the Green Consolidated Copper Company, with Trost& Rust, for cottages for workingmen with wainscoted walls in kitchen and bathroom. Sonnichsen cites a letter, Anson W. Bruchard to Trost & Rust, May 19, 1902, preserved in a letter book (General Correspondence, January 25, 1902 to June 11, 1902), in the files of Comp Minera de Cananea, S.A.C.V., Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.
(2) Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, May 13, 1902, page [8]: Anson W. Burchard of New York, who is to take general management of affairs at the Greene Consolidated, La Cananea, was a Monday visitor.
(3) Cananea Progressing,” Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, August 12, 1902, page [5]:. The new town upon the mesa is thedelightful residential portion of Cananea The numerous houses which have been built for the miners and laborers at the mine are rented to them at a very reasonable figure and no one else can get a house under any circumstances in this location.
(4)Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, October 11, 1902, page [5]: The Company
[i.e., Greene Consolidated Copper Company] is building twenty five brick cottages for its employees.

Remarks: The brick for the cottages was probably made in Cananea. Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, February 10, 1903: Cananea Notes (Cananea Herald) The making of brick is one of the important features of industry in Cananea and the output in the last nine months has been enormous. The finest brick clay to be found anywhere on the Pacific coast is found in exhaustible [sic] quantities in the east end of town and the product is of the highest quality. Mr. J. Cottrell is the principal operator in this industry.

Prepared for the El Paso Public Library by Lloyd C. and June F. Engelbrecht under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1990.